Press Kit



Connectivity Project follows stories of the ripple effects our actions can have in an interconnected world.


How many times have you wondered, “Does what I do make a difference in the world?” Connectivity Project explores this ever present question in a visually stunning series of 15-minute films. Featuring interviews with tribal elders, noted scientists, naturalists and environmental activists, the series weaves connections between science, culture and spirituality. We unpack the butterfly effect metaphor as a tool for developing the awareness that what we each do makes a difference. Together, we discover that small actions can indeed have a large impact. Whether by the choices we make, how we spend our money, what we vote for or how we treat each other, would we act differently if we saw the world differently? 


How many times have you wondered if what you do makes a difference in the world? In this 3-part series of beautiful and provocative documentary-style short films, we address this ever present question many of us have. Connectivity Project features stories examining the ripple effects our actions can make in an interconnected world. Tangible dissatisfaction and concern is currently all around us. From environmental degradation and social injustice to issues of violence, inequality and economic disparity, the list is huge. There is more than enough research clarifying how these situations have come to be. And more than enough answers to remedy many of these situations. So where is the disconnect? Could it be in part that we don’t think that what we each do matters? In this series, we share some engaging stories and compelling ideas on how to cultivate deeper conversation around these ideas and inspire people to do something differently. Here’s another question: If we felt that our actions mattered would we make different choices about how we spend our money, what we vote for, how we treat each other? Would we act differently if we saw the world differently? 

EPISODE 1 “Interconnections” (15 min) Here we use the “butterfly effect” to illustrate interconnectedness. “A butterfly beats its wings in China, affecting a tornado in Texas.” What does this really mean? Even though it’s a metaphor, it serves to illustrate how small actions can indeed have large effects. This first episode highlights how different cultures and spiritual traditions from around the world and across time have always embodied this integrated way of seeing. Matching this awareness with science, we demonstrate how modern culture can benefit from the wisdom inherent in blending science and spirituality. 

EPISODE 2: “Speaking Out”! (14:33 min) We follow how an indigenous high school student is inspired by the actions of Lois Gibbs, a grassroots activist and organizer in the resistance of devastating pollution in Love Canal, New York in the 1970’s. Lois’s story was a catalyst for this student and her class to go to the state legislature to apply pressure for change and advocate for clean air for her school and community. 

EPISODE 3: “Plants Have Wings” (16:22 min) Featuring the amazing stories about our reliance on pollinators and, in turn, their reliance on us. Interwoven with the story of an inspired cyclist who becomes a champion for Monarch butterflies, this episode explores how we are a distinct part of the web of life that directly impacts the continued survival and success of pollination, plants ... and us. 


This series can benefit any classroom, congregation, or organization to raise awareness, build community and inspire action. Each episode can be viewed as an individual segment or as a complete series, cultivating a sense of awe, belonging and responsibility and helping to reveal that what we each do makes a difference. Our website,, offers resources to expand the viewing experience and in support of how to make a difference in the things that you care about the most in the world. Screening hosts receive access to supplementary materials including a discussion guide and activities for deeper exploration of the various themes in the series. Connectivity Project is also available for schools, accompanied by a curriculum guide with engaging discussion leads, inspiring activities and a thought-provoking and fun lesson series for ages 13 and older. 


Fritjof Capra - Physicist, Author, Systems Scientist 

Lois Gibbs - Renowned Activist and Organizer 

Ilarion Larry Merculieff - Aleut Wisdom Keeper 

Jon Young - Teacher, Tracker, Mentor, Author 

Kendall Jensen - Teacher 

Clarissa Howtopat - Student 

Greg Dardis - Professor 

Mace Vaughan - Xerces Society Outreach Coordinator 

Kelly Green Guilbeau - Founder Milkweed Matters 

Jacqueline Freeman - Beekeeper, Author 

Matt O’Neal - Pollination researcher, Scientist 

David Gossman - Farmer 

And others ...


“In this web of life, everything is connected to everything else, directly and indirectly. If we looked at the world in a systemic way, this would help us to solve the major problems of our time” Fritjof Capra - Physicist, Author and Systems Scientist 

“If we’re going to survive as a species, it is critical for us to understand that the road back to humanity is through connection. There is no other way.” Ilarion Larry Merculieff - Aleut Wisdom Keeper 

“Bees are like the wings of the plant.” Jacqueline Freeman - Beekeeper, Author

“Pollination is a dance between the plant and the animal kingdoms and provides a view into the world of interconnectivity.” Narration 

“If everyone spoke up, what a different world we would live in.” Lois Gibbs - Founder, Center for Health, Environment & Justice 


“This is probably one of the most important projects on earth at this time. Its brilliance lies in its simplicity and its necessity. I was so deeply moved by this work. You have hit the core of not just the problem but of where we should all be focusing our attention.” —Jean Houston, Philosopher, Scholar, principle founder of the human potential movement 

“It’s so well done—and inspiring.” —J. Sawyer, Executive Director, Pulitzer Center 

“In these times of alienation and polarization, these films have an important message about how we are all connected.” —S. Ames 

“The films made my students realize how we are in a small or great way all connected.” —M. Hatfield, University Professor 

“You never know how a single thing you do will affect others in the grand scheme of things. It causes me to think more before I act.” —Rob L., 10th Grade Student 

“I didn’t realize the big impact that bees have on the success of all of our food.” —Madelyn K., 10th Grade Student 

“I always knew that chemicals were bad but as someone who works in farming, I feel like I have a new perspective” —Cole C.. University Student 

“If I want something changed, speaking up and bringing attention to it could change it. Taking risks and chances can start something big.” —Ellie M., University Student 

“Everyone in the world can benefit from this material because everyone can be motivated to do something new in the world.” —Amit V., University Student 

“These videos are intriguing and thought-provoking in ways that the traditional science student might not think, and the kids who are not interested in science or have never seen a science connection to their lives, I think your films are doing a masterful job of potentially bringing those kids into the fold” —J. Clark, Curriculum Coordinator, Next Gen Science Innovations 

“I found this project and resource to be relevant to what we are facing with climate change and finding hope and resiliency to keep trying to make a difference, and as educators helping our students do the same.” —J. Pardi, Education Director, NatureBridge 


Rose Madrone, Director 
(707) 498-3103 

Copyright © 2012 The Connectivity Project